Just a question for you I am very curious about.
If you are an Auburn fan, do you think about whether or not Bama’s power I offense will work next year and in the future?
If you are a Bama fan, are you thinking that Auburn’s spread option offense will not work next year?
If you are Gamecock, are you thinking that Clemson’s various offensive formations (wild cat, power I, shotgun) will not work next year?
If you are a Clemson fan, are you thinking and hoping that South Carolina’s Power I will not work next year?
If you are an FSU fan, are you hoping and thinking that Florida’s spread option or direct snap offense will not work next year?
Florida fans, are you hoping and anticipating that FSU’s offense will drop off now or in the future?
I ask this because I am just wondering if it is normal to have thoughts about your rival’s offense and whether or not it will work. I have only spoken with 3 UGA fans about football, this Spring, and to the man they are all expecting, hoping, and anticipating that (at a very minimum) GT’s offense will be less effective this year and in the future. They seem to think that the flexbone formation, spread option type offense is going to be “figured out”. I find it bizarre! I never think about UGA’s Power I offense. Don’t get me wrong, I want GT to defeat UGA very badly. For some reason though I am just not expecting, hoping, talking about, and anticipating that their Power I/play action offense will be down this year or in the future. I hope it’s down, but I definitely don’t think about it or expect it to be down. Is something wrong with me? Do I need to start blogging, calling my GT friends, and thinking about how UGA’s offense (the Power I) is going to be less effective this year and certainly in the future?
I believe offense is 90% execution and 10% the formation. Is that unwise thinking? Is it 90% formation and 10% execution/coaching?
Help me out,