I talked to one of my favorite UGA fans Brian at church on Sunday. [Why is he one of my favorites? Because he isn’t a huge homer of UGA or the SEC. I think this is largely because he works with a VT and PSU fan.] Anyway, I was told that the PSU fan he works with said, “GT will not have success against a disciplined Big Ten defense like Iowa. GT cannot handle the disciplined defense of the Big Ten.” Sounds crazy to us, I know, but remember everybody thinks their conference is the best or one of the best. That is why I try to read articles and look at the facts because I just don’t want to be a homer. It would make me feel bad about myself to be accused of that. It’s like when people call Christians stupid. I have hard facts to support my faith in Christ. Faith always boils down to believing what you can’t see, however there is substantial evidence to support Christianity.

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Do you have a fact or nonhomer opinion? We want to read it, then.