"Drummond is The Times 2009 Boys Track and Field Athlete of the Year." Because he won the Class AAA shot put and discus events.
Drummond also dominated the Georgia Highschool all star game. At 6-3 265 lbs Drummond will probably redshirt at GT behind Jonathan "the Diesel" Dwyer, Richard Watson, and Preston Lyons. Drummond will most likely be a B-back at GT.
Time in training yields double gold profits for Drummond: "The future Yellow Jacket broke Flowery Branch records in the squat (600 pounds), bench press (415) and a power clean of 330. Georgia Tech’s highest when combining those three disciplines last season was defensive lineman Vance Walker at 1,310.
“Daniel’s walking in the door at Georgia Tech at 1,345,” his father added."
Per the article Daniel Drummond is working out 20 hours a week. He is also on a strict diet. Remember, Vance Walker (GT - defensive tackle) was just drafted into the NFL. Drummond also ran the 110M hurdles for his school, I believe he has been timed at 14.5 seconds!
My opinions?
When you see a man this committed to hard work with this much God given physical talent you have high hopes for them as a GT fan.

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