Saturday, June 13, 2009

Explaining Georgia Tech's Offense, Under Paul Johnson

The overall name of the offense is: Spread Option.

The primary formation on many plays is: Flexbone. The picture above shows what the flexbone looks like before the ball is snapped. Instead of "SB" GT calls them "A-backs" and "B-Back" for "FB".

A play that is called roughly 20% of the time is: Triple Option.
Here is the triple option play run sucessfully, where the QB makes the decision to go to the outside man or A-back rather than keep it or give it to the B-back up the middle. Roddy Jones had his best game of the year against UGA because, in my opinion, UGA was so focused on stopping Dwyer. The other team that really made it a priority to stop Dwyer, last year, was VT. VT did beat GT because GT didn't make them pay with other players, like they did against UGA.

Here is the triple option play where the QB decides to give it to the B-Back, instead of keeping it or pitching it to the A-back. Notice the formation before the play is a perfect flexbone!

I can't find a good clip of a Nesbitt keeper on the triple option.
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